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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11674270), the Fundamental Research Funds for Xiamen University, China (Grant No. 20720180113), the Education and Scientific Research Project for Young and Middle-aged Teachers of Fujian Province, China (Grant No. JAT170036), the Opening Fund of Acoustics Science and Technology Laboratory, China (Grant No. SSKF2018006), and one of the authors, Chuan- Wen Chen, was sponsored by the Education Department of Fujian Province, China for his study at the Pennsylvania State University (Grant No. 2016071145).
The [001]c-polarized (1 − x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–xPbTiO3 (PMN−PT) single crystals are widely used in ultrasonic detection transducers and underwater acoustic sensors. However, the relatively small coercive field (∼ 2 kV/cm) of such crystals restricts their application at high frequencies because the driving field will exceed the coercive field. The depolarization field can be considerably larger in an antiparallel direction than in a parallel direction with respect to polarization when the bipolar driving cycle starts. Thus, if the direction of the sine wave signal in the first half cycle is opposite to the polarization direction, then the depolarized domains can be repolarized in the second half of the sine cycle. However, if the direction of the sine wave signal in the first half of the cycle is along the polarization direction, then the change is negligible, and the domains switched in the second half of the sine cycle cannot be recovered. The design of electric driving method needs to allow the use of a large applied field to emit strong enough signals and produce good images. This phenomenon combined with the coercive field increases with the driving frequency, thereby making the PMN−PT single crystals usable for high-frequency applications. As such, the applied field can be considerably larger than the conventionally defined coercive field.
Piezoelectric ceramics and single crystals are important functional materials, which are being used in many electromechanical devices, such as sensors, actuators, transducers, and ultrasonic motors. In recent years, relaxor-based lead magnesium niobate−lead titanate, (1 − x) Pb(Mg1/3 Nb2/3)O3–xPbTiO3, (PMN−PT) single crystals have attracted considerable attention because of their superior piezoelectric properties for compositions near the morphotropic phase boundary.[1–7] When PMN−PT single crystals are poled along the [001]c of the pseudo-cubic structure, the piezoelectric coefficient d33 value can exceed 2500 pC/N, and the electromechanical coupling coefficient k33 is greater than 90%.[8]
The coercive field of ferroelectric materials reflects the onset of domain reversal, which is a critical parameter for the application of ferroelectric materials because it indicates the upper limit of the applied field.[9,10] The coercive field of PMN−PT single crystals is considerably lower (1.8 kV/cm–2.5 kV/cm) than that of Pb(ZrxTi1 − x)O3 piezoceramics (over 10 kV/cm). This finding greatly restricts the applications of PMN−PT crystals in terms of the driving field level. Moreover, the crystal is only partially depolarized, rendering it unusable in practical applications. We call this effective coercive field Eec, which is smaller than the conventionally defined coercive field Ec.[11] Several methods can be used to increase the coercive field of ferroelectric materials. One method is to increase the applied field frequency because the coercive field increases with frequency.[12–14] The coercive field is defined at very low frequencies (<1 Hz). In ultrasonic transducers, the center frequency is much higher, rendering Eec higher than Ec. Another method is to apply a bias field along the polarization direction.[15] The coercive field can also be enhanced via doping the acceptor ions, which introduces an internal bias.[16–19]
In this work, we describe a different strategy to increase the effective coercive field in a bipolar drive situation. The method of applying this bipolar pulse electric field has a remarkable effect on the degradation of ferroelectric properties. In an antiparallel situation (Fig.
The [001]c-polarized PMN–0.30 PT single crystal plates with gold electrodes are made by CTS Inc., USA. The samples were cut into small plates and polished. Their final sizes were about 2.5 mm (L) × 2.5 mm (W) × 0.289 mm (T). The coercive field Ec was 1.68 kV/cm, remnant polarization was 0.21 C/m2 based on the loop measured at 0.1 Hz, and the piezoelectric constant d33 was 1318 pC/N. The effects of the initial direction of the bipolar signal on sample depolarization were studied at low and high frequencies. In the low-frequency experiments, the ferroelectric hysteresis loops were measured between 0.01 Hz and 500 Hz by using a modified Sawyer Tower circuit. The electric field between 0.03 kV/cm and 4.84 kV/cm with a sinusoidal bipolar waveform was generated by a high voltage amplifier (Trek Model 2210). In the high-frequency experiments, sinusoidal pulse signals with frequencies of 100 kHz, 200 kHz, 300 kHz, and 400 kHz were generated by a pulse/function generator (Wavetek Model 81), respectively. Then, each of the signals was amplified up to 15 kV/cm by using an RF broadband power amplifier (Electronics & Innovation 1040 L). The burst signal was monitored by a digital oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS 680C). The electromechanical coupling factor kt was measured by using an impedance analyzer (HP 4194 A).
Only one-cycle of the sinusoidal bipolar waveform was applied in the low- and high-frequency experiments. On the basis of the method through which the electric pulse was applied, the test was divided into two groups, namely, parallel and antiparallel, as shown in Fig.
After the application of one cycle of a sine wave electric pulses of varying amplitudes, the hysteresis loop for parallel and antiparallel situations are determined, as shown in Figs.
![]() | Fig. 2. Hysteresis loops under 0.1-Hz electrical signal with only one-cycle when field starts in direction (a) antiparallel and (b) parallel to the polarization direction. |
For an antiparallel situation (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. Comparison between hysteresis loops for parallel and antiparallel situations under a one-cycle bipolar electrical pulse with amplitude of 1.56 kV/cm. |
The parallel starting field direction situation comprises two processes, namely, enhanced polarization and depolarization. The first half period is for the enhanced polarization, and the second half period is for the depolarization. In the enhanced polarization (i.e., a → b → c in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. Variations of final polarization with electric field of a bipolar pulse at (a) 0.1 Hz and (b) 100 Hz. |
Depolarizations at high frequencies are also studied. In contrast to the work of Li et al., where a burst signal with two or more cycles of a sine wave was triggered by a 4-MHz pulse,[20] here in this work we only use a one-cycle sine wave signal in the high-frequency impedance test. The samples are divided into two groups, namely, parallel and antiparallel situations. The variations of the impedance spectrum under different external fields are studied for these two situations. The sample’s depolarization state can be judged by changing the electromechanical coupling coefficient kt, which can be calculated by the resonant frequency fr and anti-resonant frequency fa from the following formula:
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![]() | Table 1. Effective coercive fields under different test frequencies. . |
This phenomenon can be explained by domain switching. The switching of the polarization has a relaxation time τ, which is field-dependent and expressed as[21]
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This relaxation time decreases rapidly with the electric field but does not change considerably with measurement frequency within a certain frequency range.[11] In the [001]c-poled rhombohedral PMN–0.30 PT single crystals, 109°, 71°, and 180° domain switching processes are involved when the sample is polarized or depolarized.[22,23] The switching time of non-180° domains is longer than that of 180° domains. As a result, the non-180° domains at high frequencies cannot follow the field change. Hence, switching the polarization under high-frequency electric field is difficult. An extensive field strength is needed for the high-frequency field to depolarize the sample to the same level. As such, the sample has a relatively large coercive field at high measurement frequency.
In summary, we investigate the effects of different methods applied to the electric field on the effective coercive field of [001]c-poled 0.70Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.30PbTiO3 single crystal by combining the hysteresis loop measurements and the impedance spectroscopy measurements. Only a single one-cycle sinusoidal electric pulse is applied. The test groups are divided into parallel and antiparallel group with respect to the polarization on the basis of the method through which the electric field is applied. The one-cycle signal can be divided into two half cycle processes, i.e., enhanced polarization and depolarization. In a parallel situation, the first is to enhance the polarization followed by depolarization, whereas the opposite sequence follows in an antiparallel situation. In a parallel case, the first enhanced polarization only slightly increases the polarization as the sample is already fully polarized. In the second half of the cycle, i.e., in the depolarization process, the sample is partially depolarized is a sufficiently large field. In the antiparallel case, the sample is initially depolarized first during depolarization and repolarized by the enhanced polarization. Thus, Pf in the antiparallel case is larger than that in the parallel case. This phenomenon has an extreme case as follows. When the field is beyond the coercive field, the sample is repolarized into an original polarization state in the antiparallel case and polarized in the opposite direction in the parallel case. Thus, the two methods of applying a large electric field have considerably different consequences. With the increasing of test frequency, the effective coercive fields
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